Love Letters from the Edge Featured on WZZM Take Five



Tomorrow, July 21, I will be talking about Love Letters from the Edge: Meditations for Those Struggling with Brokenness, Trauma, and the Pain of Life on WZZM TV’s Take Five. The show airs from 9-10am ET.

Be sure to ask friends, educators, medical professionals, ministry workers, those who work in the justice system,and employers to listen in for valuable information on post-traumatic stress disorder and the toll it takes on those who have experienced trauma in its many forms.

Trauma Queens Tour Launched

A new conference will kick off its national presence in Rockford, Michigan, on October 20, from 8:30-3:00 at Rockpoint Church (formerly St. Stephen’s Church), at 6070 Kutshill Rd.


The Trauma Queens Trading Hurt for Hope Conference provides an intimate, supportive environment for approximately one hundred women and church and community leaders to address some of the most painful issues facing women in the church: sexual and physical abuse, abandonment, neglect, self-abuse, obsessive behaviors, addictions, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

This conference provides spiritual encouragement and hope in Jesus Christ and creates an environment of safety, where women’s stories of hurt, hope, and healing can be shared. We also provide practical resources that help participants move to the next step in their healing journey:

o True stories of hope, healing, and the love of Christ

o A safe, supportive environment, where women are free to share their stories with a friend of prayer partner, if they desire

o Biblical support and encouragement

o Counseling resources

o Small group sessions on topics like finding hope, getting past the pain, understanding PTSD, and other practical and heart-hitting issues

o Free resources: When the Woman You Love Was Abused,by speaker Dawn Scott Jones, as well as The Silent Seduction of Self-Talk, by speaker Shelly Beach. An additional gift, the ebook, Truth about Trauma: What It Is, Why You Should Care and What You Can Do


DAWN SCOTT JONES: Author of When the Woman You Love Was Abused(Kregel Publications 2012). Dawn is an ordained pastor, counselor, and national speaker who has shared the platform with some of the nation’s most noted communicators.

Dawn touches the lives of people through her powerful personal testimony, wit, humor, and deep insight into the Word of God.

Dawn is a survivor of abuse who knows the journey to hope and healing.

WANDA SANCHEZ: Co-author of The Hope Bucket: A Story of Shattered Dreams, an Unlikely Friendship, and a Journey to Hope. Wanda is the executive producer of one of the nation’s top talk shows for the Salem network. She is also president of WLS Communications, a publicity firm that promotes authors.

Wanda is a trauma and sexual abuse survivor who has experienced a profound journey of hope and forgiveness.

SHELLY BEACH:Author of eight books, including The Silent Seduction of Self Talk and co-author of The Hope Bucket, with Wanda Sanchez. Shelly is a national speaker at women’s conferences and writers’ conferences, and she also speaks with Wanda on post-traumatic stress disorder to medical and professional communities.

Shelly is also a sexual abuse survivor who has walked the road to forgiveness, healing, and hope.