101 Things to Do with a Person with Dementia

101 Things to Do with a Person with Dementia


  1. clip coupons
  2. sort laundry/sort coins
  3. count pennies/change
  4. rake leaves
  5. sweep the kitchen/sidewalk/deck
  6. read out loud
  7. bake cookies
  8. look up names in the phone book
  9. read the newspaper out loud
  10. enjoy a visit from a child
  11. listen to music
  12. tend a garden (indoors or outdoors)
  13. look at photographs
  14. toss a ball
  15. color pictures
  16. make simple cards
  17. make lemonade
  18. clear the table
  19. weed the flowers
  20. cook or bake simple recipes
  21. have a spelling bee
  22. sing old songs
  23. play games
  24. string Cheerios to hang outside for birds
  25. create a simple bird feeder
  26. bird watch and identify types of birds
  27. make simple crafts
  28. reminisce about “firsts”
  29. reminisce about travels
  30. reminisce about favorite people
  31. reminisce about favorite events
  32. sort and match socks
  33. roll yarn into a ball
  34. clean and carve a pumpkin
  35. make a floral arrangement
  36. sew sewing cards
  37. knit or crochet
  38. paint
  39. finish Bible quotes or hymns
  40. answer simple trivia questions
  41. trace and cut out leaves
  42. cut out pictures from magazines
  43. make sandwiches
  44. straighten out drawers
  45. sort and straighten closets
  46. decorate placemats
  47. give pedicures or manicures
  48. rub in body lotion
  49. sand wood in simple shapes (making coasters, etc.)
  50. look at pictures in National Geographic
  51. mold with PlayDoh
  52. finish famous sayings
  53. feed the ducks or fish
  54. visit the zoo
  55. visit the museum
  56. take a ride in the car
  57. go for ice cream
  58. make paper butterflies
  59. plant flowers or trees
  60. take flowers to shut-ins
  61. pop corn
  62. name the presidents
  63. write letters to family members and friends
  64. decorate picture frames
  65. make seasonal cards
  66. sort playing cards by color, number, or symbols
  67. make homemade ice cream
  68. dance
  69. exercise
  70. grow Magic Rocks
  71. dust
  72. play horse shoes
  73. have afternoon tea
  74. reminisce about inventions
  75. paint a sheet or a canvas
  76. cut out paper dolls
  77. identify states and capitals
  78. make a family tree
  79. have a cookout
  80. make Valentines
  81. water house plants
  82. play Old Maid
  83. play Go Fish
  84. dress up in silly hats or costumes
  85. watch a classic movie
  86. finger pain
  87. visit an antique store
  88. attend an art exhibit
  89. attend a parade
  90. read or recite poetry
  91. play with bubbles
  92. celebrate birthdays and holidays
  93. browse through colorful catalogs
  94. play with a baby or toddler
  95. listen to audio books
  96. make s’mores
  97. go to children’s movies
  98. color Easter eggs
  99. play with a Wii
  100. visit a farmers’ market
  101. use your imagination!!

Interacting Meaningfully with Those with Dementia

A recent article in the Huffington Post discusses how caregivers, family, and friends can create meaningful moments with loved ones with dementia (http://huff.to/kiL8D1). It’s easy for unmet expectations to overshadow life  and to focus on the losses dementia brings:  what was, and what no longer will be. 

But it is possible to have meaningful interactions with those with dementia. Creating memories “within the moment” becomes our goal. Focus on simple interactions: manicures, household tasks, lunches, listening to music, watching favorite television shows, looking through or creating photo albums, reading books, reminiscing about favorite memories, taking walks, visiting or calling friends, gardening. Engage in activities that create moments of pleasure for your loved one in small islands of time. Silence can also be a gift that draws us together if we can learn to enjoy the beauty of “being” with one another.

People sometimes asked me why I engaged in activities with my mother when she had Alzheimer’s and wouldn’t remember what we’d done or that we’d spent time together. Wasn’t I wasting my time? I believe I was investing those with my mother — sowing countless moments into her life as we paged through picture books, peeled boiled eggs together, or as I sat and rubbed lotion into her arms.

Every moment was a treasure. I wouldn’t take back a single second.